More of Joshua Tree

Joshua Tree National Park is so interesting and has a great many trails. There is more information about it at the Your RV Lifestyle website and they even have a book about Joshua Tree National Park. We’ll have to go back.

Joshua Tree - cool rocks

We hiked up Ryan Mountain…

Joshua Tree - Ryan Ranch overview

And we saw Ryan Ranch...

Joshua Tree - San Andreas Fault

This might have been from Keys View…the darker line in the middle is the San Andreas Fault…wow.

Back to Ryan mountain…

Joshua Tree - view of a mountain

This was the mountain from the last post…but from the top of another mountain. We met another interesting couple on top of this mountain…and the four of us had the summit to ourselves for almost 20 minutes…then people started to pour up.

Joshua Tree - Linda

We started back down to do more exploring.

Joshua Tree - Ryan Ranch building

Joshua Tree - Linda at Ryan Ranch

The Ryan Ranch – Linda to give reference.

Joshua Tree - Ryan ranch debris

A pump motor I think.

Joshua Tree - Ryan Ranch pump

They used to pump water from this place to the Lost Horse Mine.

Joshua Tree - the Ospry V22

One of these Osprys flew overhead.

Joshua Tree - more cool rocks

The people we met suggested the Hidden Valley Hike.

Joshua Tree - cool rocks with a tree

I don’t know why I love these trees.

Joshua Tree - Arch Rock panorama

Then there was the Arch hike…this is huge. I was wearing hiking sandals but the climb up was too much to try.

Joshua Tree - Cholla Garden

Down to the Cholla (just in case you’re like us and mispronounced it…it’s pronounced choya) Garden…so many of these Teddy Bear Cholla. On the Gilbert Ray post I was silly enough to get one stuck on my hand…ouch!

Joshua Tree - Cholla Garden

This was a very thick patch.

Joshua Tree - Cholla garden bee warning

For some reason bees like it so much that the National Park Service felt they had to put up a sign.

Joshua Tree - Cottonwood spring LInda

Joshua Tree - Cottonwood spring palms

We then visited Cottonwood Spring…but didn’t hike to the Lost Palm Oasis…this was good enough as the sun was going down. Literature says these trees can consume more than 200 gallons of water a day.

Joshua Tree - lunar eclipse photo

The next morning we woke up to the lunar eclipse…best shot I could get.

We had done the total solar eclipse in August so this was a treat too.

Joshua Tree - Ocatillo whole plant

Joshua Tree - Ocatillo flower 2

We wanted to get farther south and on the way out the Ocotillos were starting to bloom. Amazing! My parents had a small one and I always thought it was just a bunch of twigs and every now and then it would get leaves. This plant can bloom up to five times a year as well as growing and shedding leaves as many times. We were lucky enough to see this.

We left for Borrego Springs…

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