Lethbridge was a good choice. It’s a nice campground that is open all year.
There had been a snow storm before I arrived and everything was covered. The temperature was above zero degrees C during the day and sometimes even stayed above freezing overnight.
As I wandered around the park I saw this sign and a little culvert.
This camper was great. If we had a larger camper I would consider it as well. I had an idea that if we were somewhere where the temperature would drop lower than freezing, we could use similar stuff like a skirt to protect the underside of the trailer.
Since I was there the Bridgeveiw Resort has changed ownership and is under the SummerHill Resorts banner.
I wanted to get across the mountains and needed to get chains for both the truck and the trailer. They were surprisingly hard to find. I had to drive up to Edmonton – well LeDuc, Alberta. I used Boondockers Welcome – to find a host who could accommodate me as there are no open parks in November.
My host was fantastic and snowplowed an area for me to park and be comfortable until I was able to get the chains for the truck. The hosts were terrific!
The temperature dropped to -24ºC (-11ºF) and the Escape Trailer performed wonderfully. The furnace was able to keep me warm and the moisture accumulation from the temperature differential had frozen my pillow to the exterior wall. It was funny at the time. I was there for two nights and from the cold mornings in Lethbridge I went through one bottle of propane – I thought at these temperatures this was an excellent rate. I filled one up at the local Costco after picking up the chain for the truck at Canadian Tire.
The dirt on the trailer from driving in snow…I managed to get a car wash earlier in the week but the trailer is another story.
I thought about crossing the mountains to go to Vancouver Island, but the Covid-19 restrictions became stricter and on my way down to Calgary from Edmonton the reserved campground called and asked if I was on the island. I told him that I had not even been able to make it to the West side of the mountains. He was kind enough to offer me a refund minus a small fee for the credit card transaction…I took him up on it and then called and cancelled the Nanimo reservation as well and turned left towards home.
The roads were still icy leaving Alberta, but there wasn’t the 100km/h crosswind. I made it to Swift Current and the boondock site didn’t exist any more. I went to the casino and asked about the overnight stay in their parking lot. They were great about it, so I entered and dined inside and donated some fun funds to the slot machines. A cold night but the trailer’s heating worked just fine.
The prairies weren’t too bad driving as the roads were straight. Once I entered Ontario, I stopped for the night at the Information Centre and that was easy to do and comfortable. In the morning, the snow had started and I filled up fuel in Kenora then started driving once again. There was a blizzard and the roads were horrible. I had to pull off a couple of times just to relax to regain composure. The above photo is in a rest area near Upsala at a snow plow turn around. My footprints are across two lanes of highway at this point.You can see how much snow is on the road.
I eventually made it to the Flying J just past Thunder Bay and spent the night. In the morning, the road looked good, but that quickly deteriorated and driving the Lake Superior coast was a very challenging experience. Finally stopped at the Flying J at Sault-St-Maire and found a place to park. There were many trucks parked there this time. In the morning the roads were better and I drove all the way home. The roads had been saline solution covered and I found later that was damaging many parts.
At home and back to cooking once again…
Back to Hector walks and not too much snow.
It was good to be home…this was my first attempt at fancy cookies. These were delicious but didn’t look as good as they should have…they each have a fortune inside.
That’s it for this trip…let’s see where this blog goes from here.
Your travel adventures are of great interest to me. The bad visibility & snow on your return remind me of travelling in a station wagon carrying my glider trailer when a heavy storm broke out after passing Sault.St.Marie in mid October about twenty years ago. I was on my way to live in Victoria and about twelve inches of snow fell in a few hours. To get through the drifts & steer around marooned vehicles took me to the limit of my driving skills, handling the three speed automatic like a manual shift. The police closed Hwy. 17 behind me as I entered Marathon. The motel staff were amazed that I got through.I would not like to ever repeat that experience. Good luck on your travels.
Best wishes,
Doug Ogle
Enjoyed hearing about your Winter adventure & the scenery was beautiful ,especially the sunset in Lethbridge and your cookies looked great.