Another Provincial Park – with friends

We returned to Owen Sound and kept up the packing…there is more camping to do and packing is not fun.

Sandbanks - Radio Boka

But camping is…Linda at Sandbanks for dinner…we then went home and shortly thereafter to Sauble Falls.

Sauble Falls - three of us

We met up with Joanna and John… and did some hiking.

Sauble Falls -  on the tral

We walked along the beach.

Sauble Falls - the beach sign

There we saw this sign.

Sauble Falls - the piping plover sign

Then we saw the bird.

Sauble Falls - the beach and  the plover

Back to Owen Sound to make tamales.

Owen Sound - Making tamales

Owen Sound - the final product

They were time consuming to make but home made tamales are delicious and I will make them again after we move. I used shortening rather than lard and they taste as good.

Toronto - old style fire alarm

A short trip to Toronto’s Victoria College at U of T and found this relic.

We continued to pack, then a trip to Kingston, Carleton Place and North Hatley to come…

2 thoughts on “Another Provincial Park – with friends

  1. Been a few years since we’ve been up through that Sauble Beach area. Really nice country up there along the Bruce Peninsula. Good for you guys in getting out there camping.

    • Thanks Al…it’s a wonderful area and we were happy to explore more of Ontario. P.S. Happy Anniversary 🙂

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