We drove to Saskatoon to visit with Colin, Linda’s son, and check out the town. We parked in the driveway for a boondock and there was a plug just outside the trailer so we plugged in.
It was great to see Colin and hang out.
One of the things Linda wanted to do was to go to Rosthurn where her favourite dog food for Hector – Horizon – is made to see the factory. A little disappointing as the factory was just that, a building that didn’t have a sign but looked efficient. We did find the grain elevators and they were interesting to look at.
Leaving Rosthurn I saw a sign for a national park and wanted to go check it out. It was Batoche National Historical Site where the final battle of the Northwest resistance was fought.
We didn’t really have time to explore this site and we will have to come back and spend a day exploring this site.
There was some great scenery along the return to Colin’s place.
When we returned to Saskatoon, Colin was ready for a bike ride on the Meewasin Trail. We rode to where we’d seen Colin on the train and started on the trail. We rode across the river and toward downtown. We stopped in front of the Delta Bessborough formerly one of the CN Hotels for this photo.
Colin and I stopped at the Prairie Lily boat that does tours of the river in Saskatoon. Linda and I had toured on it on a rainy day about four years ago and I thought it would be fun to take a photo for her.
We had a long ride until we reached the pedestrian crossing on the CP bridge and we walked our bicycles to the other side.
As we rode we found a plaque about the Saskatoon Ski Jump. We rode a little farther and there was even the remnants of a ski lift up the bank of the river.
We spent a couple of days after this just exploring and hanging around Saskatoon.
When it was time to move and sand dunes were on our mind, so we headed to Douglas Provincial Park.
We woke and ended up leaving a little later than our usual time of 10 am but managed to get there in beautiful sunshine and set up.
Who is Colin and what is the name of the dog food ? 🙂
Thanks for the questions Kelly. Colin is Linda’s son and the dog food company is Horizon Dog Food. I have edited the post to reflect that. Good questions are appreciated and make the blog better.