We still didn’t have reservations for the next couple of places but thought since it was Sunday we’d try our luck at MacLeod Provincial Park…they don’t take reservations but a gate-person told us they will most likely start next year…
The park had good space for us. There were many seasonal sites that were unoccupied but enough people at the park to make it feel lived in. We found an unserviced site that would do us quite well.
Our site was pretty good. It had enough sun to charge the batteries and was close enough to clean bathrooms to make them easy to get to and easily usable.
There were a few families at the park and some of them enjoyed the beach…it all looked clean and looked after.
There was a cool stage at the beach and it looked in pretty good shape. We wondered what and when it would be used.
This was the back of the stage showing a bandshell cover. I’m sure that at some point this is/was beautiful and well thought of.
Like some of the other parks we’ve visited, this gate is well made, but lack of money and maintenance give it a neglected appearance.
For some reason, Hector only likes to get into the water to his belly and sometimes lies down to cool himself off. If it gets too deep for him he bounds out.
This would be a great place to bring kids as there are a lot of fun places to play.
We on the other hand wanted something light so we made a stir-fry.
Wine makes the stir-fry a lot more fun to eat.
Once we left MacLeod we started to head south on highway 11 towards Nipigon and passed this snowman. I had to stop and take a photo…